Monday, October 08, 2012

Face it

Veena hummed a tune in front of the mirror, before bedtime. It was a new mirror they’d bought only that day.

She reached for her comb, but knocked down the cream. Drat.

As she bent, she looked up.  Her mirror image was staring down at her, craning its neck.

“All well?”



Nirvana said...

My friend, You've outdone yourself!! That was superb flash fiction!

Bikram said...

ohhh creepy..


Privy Trifles said...

Sri...this was fab!! Creepiest flash fiction I have come across :-O

Dwiti said...

U have a nice blog going...

phatichar said...

Nirvana: Thank you, ma'am :)

Bikram: :)

Me: Thank you, thank you :)

Dwiti: Welcome! Thanks :)

phatichar said...

MSM: What a pleasant surprise. :) Good to see you here after so long.

Err.. couldn't comment, or...didn't want to comment? Funny word, this 'couldn't', huh? :P. Nonetheless, welcome back. ;-)

Saru Singhal said...

Oh! You are too good in sparking fear in the minds of readers. :)

Enjoyed reading this one :)

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

aila !! ultimate :)

Anonymous said...

Gosh! 'All well?' I will faint if something like that happens to me.

Super Sri :)

the little princess said...

awww..awww..aww.....super scary !!

CookieCrumbsInc. said...


phatichar said...

Saru: Thanks! :)

Roshan: Welcome here, doc :) Thanks!

J: Thanks :)

princess: :P you're gushing at the spook, that's a first ;-)

PV: Hello, new here? ;-)

Red Handed said...

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ????????????

Erratic Thoughts said...

Oooo! Oh God...
That was scary and funny...You ask why funny? I guess I imagined my mirror image doing that(craning it's neck to say “All Well”) and it made me laugh :D
Just ignore my Silliness :D

Soumya said...

There was an episode in Aahat just like this.

Freaked me out then, freaked me out now :)

The Meditating Lion said...

!!!!! :-O !!!!!!!

Baba Vaniteshwar said...


phatichar said...

sumitra: :)

RedHanded: Umm..a new, very excited mirror, perhaps? :P :P

ET: I know, I know.. :) :P

Soumya: Uh huh? :)

TML: :)

BabaV: :D

phatichar said...

MSM: Ha ha..ok. To bold the words, use the 'b' tag as shown below the comment box, when you click on 'Post a comment' here. For some weird reason, it didn't show the tags I typed earlier, because maybe there wasn't any word within it. I don't know how else to show you, other than maybe emailing that to you. Else, you could google on how to use the bold tag in HTML?

Anonymous said...

hehehehehehehe sorry I don't mean to laugh. Infact I don't want to laugh because I always always knock the cream off when I reach for the comb.
Thank you for telling me never to look at the mirror as pick up the cream.
and on top of it "All well?" ante. Devare!!!!!!!!! well-e gathi!

phatichar said...

MSM: Cool! :)

aks: :)

Toffee: LOL @ 'well-ae-gathi"

Kanthu said...

I had watched the movie 'Mirrors' and tried some similar antics in front of the mirror. Was disappointed though, when nothing happened..;-) :P

cmus said...

Lol. :D

Tongue-fu Lady said...


phatichar said...

Kanthu: Something always patient ;-)

cmus: :D

TFL: Ha ha..

alice said...

I love this. It's kinda cute, as much as horror can be anyway.

Not that I'd want it happening to me! :D

Blue Lotus said...

Oo La La..Awesome.
I think of that sometimes and shun the mirror for rest of the night... :D

Rohini said...

I want this mirror!! :D